It has been quite a while since we spoke, but I certainly haven't forgotten you! It has been an extremely busy year for Psychologists - I haven't had quite the same time to devote to writing on Mindfulness.
But I have still been faithful to my practice - and realize what a wonderful component of my life it is! It has made difficult situations so much easier, through simply living situations as they arise, in the present time. Living just this moment - simply connecting with reality moment by moment. In other words, by meeting what actually IS, rather than embellishing situations with stories of the past and stories of the "future". Exaggerations and vivid imaginings can warp even the simplest moment - a moment which is, in truth, open to creation, open to beauty, and filled with possibilities - for you!
Who would we be without those stories?
I will continue to stay in touch, perhaps with shorter, practical, and hopefully insightful posts, that will be fun & interesting for me to share and meaningful for you to consider and experiment with in your life!
Meanwhile, I would like to offer each of you my heart-felt, warmest wishes for a Wonderful 2022.
I wish you Ceaseless Joy each day, as you live this New Year.
May all your relationships blossom with renewed love.
May your projects grow and flourish.
May your Wisdom permeate each situation of your life, and
May your Beautiful Essential Nature enrich your life and permeate the hearts of every being you encounter, throughout each Brand New, Unique, Moment of the New Year.
Speak with you soon, wishing you Every Happiness!
🌈❤️ Lynda
p.s. if you have interest in reading the posts I sent through 2020 and into 2021, just go to my website:
Click onto Blog and all the topics will appear!
❤️ L.