Hope you are happy and enjoying each moment of your day!
Eckhart Tolle presented a live seminar two nights ago, which was extraordinary. He so clearly shared the value and impact Mindfulness has on our life and on stabilizing and freeing our mind. I couldn’t recommend it more highly - which is why I’ve attached it for you here.
He talks about the practice of simply being present. Simply living in THIS very moment, whatever it may be, also aware of the stillness that is always there.
We begin to see that much of our agitation is built up by our mind. All the run-away thinking - our attention caught in the past, caught up in the future - playing out scenarios and story lines.
When we let go of all the mind activity swirling around, and just return to the simple reality of Now - just this moment - it’s all so much lighter! - it’s always just this moment. We can actually live our life one moment at a time. In Reality - rather than in
overwhelm, anxiety, stress etc. It’s always, simply now. We can just be here - and respond to the situation at hand in the most effective, creative way.
We can always just stop - come back to being centered in ourself - take a few lovely, full, deep breaths - and we can see how our mind settles immediately. Now we are able to calmly consider our options.
The more we live simply in here and now - the more that becomes natural to us, the more it becomes our outlook and how we perceive our life and situations around us. Reality is so much more simple, straight forward and kinder than the stories we tell ourselves about it.
We begin to have more clarity, we more easily see what is relevant and what is not. It becomes easier to make decisions. We become clearer and more creative in how we respond.
Even in the midst of terrible conditions, Mindfulness can bring some reprieve. Like a balm, it can provide some space within the situation for stability and calm. Much has been written and studied on this subject. Mindfulness has been introduced into many “hot spots” - to great benefit.
Having a Mindfulness practice, where we sit for 10 or 15 minutes every day, simply letting our mind rest, finding ease and being present, has an even greater impact and contributes to actually living more and more in this state of peace and openness.
We focus our attention on our breath, feeling each one as we inhale and feeling it as we exhale. It gives our mind a place to rest, like a bird who can stop fluttering, and find a branch on which to light. Our thoughts won’t stop altogether - but they calm down and we can feel a degree of inner stillness. I will go into detail on this in my next post.
It’s so different from being caught up by events around us - even the news, social media etc. etc. Notice, in your life, what tends to produce agitation - and consider its value.
Personally, I’ve just begun a de-tox from the news - and it’s HARD!!!!! The news is designed to be addictive - to keep us watching - to engage our emotions (especially by generating fear), curiosity and craving - to see what’s going on - continually! There’s no question that the news can increase anxiety and overwhelm. We soak in all that information and all those images at one time! The result is that we’re kept in a state of threat and vigilance that we are only partially conscious of - making it even more difficult to have a beautiful, relaxed sense of well being..
It’s a hard de-tox, but I’ve done it before and it’s made a HUGE difference. Before long, you notice that you’re feeling less edgy and there’s SO much more time! And - I still knew what was going on!
Speaking of news, I have a bit of Mindfulness News: I have added (that is, my daughter has added) a Blog to my web-site, where you can find all the posts I’ve written since March, listed chronologically and alphabetically by title. They are at: lyndaryanchildandadultpsychologist.com
Also - I invite you to the next Mindfulness Evening to be held by Zoom on Wednesday, October 21st, from 7 to 9 p.m. More details to follow.
So nice to have a way to stay in touch with you all. You’ll find Eckhart’s wonderful message attached below.
Have a Beautiful Autumn!
And a Very Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Warmest regards,